Lesson 1ª








Photography Course

The flash


One of the most feared by almost all people who venture into the world of photography is the flash. Who does not have pictures taken with flash that went wrong: white people burned, dark photos, red-eye reflections that spoil the picture, and so on.?

I remember when I started studying Photography flash seemed impossible to understand, let alone use it correctly. In fact I have many images where the flash was used incorrectly

Luckily I had some teachers who were able to explain not only as a flash is made and how it works, but also how to use it creatively to enhance photos.

This allowed me to take pictures in situations where light would have been impossible before it (if I wanted to maintain good image quality without grain), improve the quality of light at the time of making and also bring different and unique images.

The flash is not used only when there is low light situations. Can also be used in both bright light, such as a clear day with sun.

You can achieve interesting and different types of lighting and there are certain effects that can only be achieved by using one or more flashes.

What we see is, first, the different types of flashes, accessories and different uses. Then we will see how to use the flash, not just when there is insufficient light, but also to achieve a different type of lighting.