Lesson 14ª








Sentence Structure

  • Here is an example of how a sentence is structured in French:

  • Subject     +      Verb Subject     +      Verb
    Le garçon dort  The boy sleeps
    La femme chante  The woman sings
    Le chien court  The dog runs

  • We have seen in previous lessons that if a noun is accompanied by an article and/or and adjective, they have to agree in gender and number:

  • Le petit garçon dort  The small boy sleeps
    La petite fille chante  The small girl sings
    Les petits garçons dorment  The small boys sleep
    Les petites filles chantent  The small girls sing

  • If the sentence has a direct or indirect object, they are placed after the verb:

  • Je lis un livre  I read a book
    Il aide son père  He helps his dad
    Mon ami achète une voiture  My friend buys a car
    La mère parle à son fils  The mother speaks to her son

  • If in the sentence there is both a direct and an indirect object, the order that they go in is free, although if you want to highlight one or the other it should go first:

  • Je donne à mon père un tableau  I give a painting to my father as a present (I want to highlight that I gave a present to my father)
    Je donne un tableau à mon père  I give a painting to my father as a present (I want to highlight that I gave a painting to my father)

  • However, if the objects are substituted by their corresponding pronouns, then you have to follow a determined order which we will look at later:

  • Je donne à mon père un tableau  I give my father a painting
    Je lui donne un tableau  I give him a painting
    Je le donne à mon père  I give it to my father
    Je le lui donne  I give it to him


    les adjectifs qualificatifs

    High Haut Small Petit
    Tall Grand Strong Fort
    Low Bas Weak Faible
    Short Petit Pretty Joli
    Wide Large Ugly Laid
    Narrow Étroit Straight Droit
    Short Court Twisted Tordu
    Long Long Rich Riche
    Slow Lent Poor Pauvre
    Fast Rapide Square Carré
    Light Léger Rectangular Rectangulaire
    Heavy Lourd Round Rond
    Big Grand