Lesson 15ª









  • In French, you can make a question by placing the verb in front of the subject:

  • Viens- tu avec nous ?  Are you coming with us?
    Avez- vous de l'argent ?  Do you have any money?
    Mange-t-il avec son père ?  Is he going to eat with his father?

  • In French, like in English,. you only use one interrogation sign. Also, when you are making a question in the 3rd person singular (masculine and feminine) you place a "t" between the verb (if it ends in a vowel) and the pronoun:

  • Vient-il avec nous ?  Is he coming with us?
    Écoute-t-elle de la musique ?  Is she listening to the music?
    A-t-il un chien ?  Does he have a dog?

  • If the verbs is a compound, the sentence begins with the auxiliary verb, followed by the subject and then the main verb:

  • Est- il allé avec son ami ?  Has he gone with his friend?
    Ont- ils acheté le livre ?  Have they bought the book?
    As- tu fini ton travail ?  Have you finished your work?

  • Thye also use the following construction in French to form questions:

  • Est-ce que   +   Subject   +   Verb ?

  • In this case, as with affirmative sentences, the subject goes first and then the verb.

  • You can use both question structures interchangeably:

  • Avons- nous un chien ?  Do we have a dog?
    Est-ce que nous avons un chien ?  Do we have a dog?
    Regardes- tu la télévision ?  Do you watch the television?
    Est-ce que tu regardes la télévision ?  Do you watch the television?


    le corps

    Eye Oeil (m)yeux(pl) Heart Coeur (m)
    Nose Nez (m) Stomach Estomac (m)
    Ear Oreille (f) Kidney Rein (m)
    Mouth Bouche (f) Liver Foie (m)
    Lip Lèvre (f) Intestine Intestin (m)
    Tooth Dent (f) Vein Veine (f)
    Tongue Langue (f) Brain Cerveau (m)
    Eyebrow Sourcil (m) Skin Peau (f)
    Eyelash Cil (m) Bone Os (m)
    Eyelid Paupière (f) Blood Sang (m)
    Throat Gorge (f) Lung Poumon (m)