Lesson 21 ª






 The Present Perfect

  • The present perfect ("passé composé") is used to describe an action that has just finished:

  • J'ai lu un livre I have read a book (I finished it recently)
    Il a acheté une maison He has bought a house (he has just bought it)
    Il a fini  ses études He has finished his studies (action that has just happened)

  • Its main difference with the imperfect (l'imperfait) is that the imperfect tense describes an action that develops in the past, without indicating if it has finished or not, whilst the present perfect indicates that the action has concluded.

  • J' écoutais la radio I listened to the radio (action that develops in the past, but we don't know if it has finished)
    J'ai écouté la radio I have listened to the radio (the action has finished recently)

  • The present perfect is formed witht the auxiliary verb "avoir" in the present simple, followed by the participle of the main verb:

  • J' ai mangé
    Tu as mangé
    Il / elle a mangé
    Nous avons mangé
    Vous avez mangé
    Ils ont mangé

  • But if the main verb is a verb of movement, you use the auxiliary verb "être", and in this case the participle and verb agree in gender and number:

  • Je suis venu(e)
    Tu es venu(e)
    Il / elle est venu (e)
    Nous sommes Venus (-es)
    Vous êtes Venus (-es)
    Ils sont venus (-es)

  • The negative form of the present perfect is constructed by placing the auxiliary particle "ne" in front of the auxiliary verb and the particle "pas" after the verb:

  • Je n'ai pas acheté la maison I have not bought the house
    IL n'a pas fini ses études He has not finished his studies
    Vous n´êtes pas venus(es) You have not come

  • To make a question, you start with the auxiliary verb followed by the noun and then the participle of the main verb:

  • As-tu acheté la maison ? Have you bought the house?
    A-t-il fini ses études ? Has he finished his studies?
    Êtes -vous venus(es) ? Have you come here before?


    les fournitures

    Paper Papier (m) Folder Sous-main (m)
    Notebook Cahier (m) Ring binder Classeur (m)
    Pen Stylo à bille (m) Staple Agraffe (f)
    Pencil Crayon (m) Photocopy Photocopie (f)
    Fountain pen Stylo (m) Ruler Règle (f)
    Rubber Gomme (f) Envelope Enveloppe (f)
    Scissors Ciseaux (m/pl) Letter Lettre (f)
    Glue Colle (f) Stamp Timbre (m)
    Typewriter Machine à écrire (f) Document Document (m)
    Bin Corbeille à papier (f) Copy Copie (f)
    Business card Carte de visite (f) Telephone Téléphone (m)
    Pencil sharpener Taille-crayon (m)