Lesson 25 ª






 The future with 'going to'

  • The near future is used in French to describe an action which is going to develop immediately.

  • With this future there is the sense of immediacy.

  • Je jouerai  au tennis I will play tennis (It is not indicated when this action will take palce, it is not necessarily immediate)
    Je vais jouer au tennis I am going to play tennis (the action is going to develop immediately)

  • This tense is constructed with the verb "aller" functioning as the auxiliary verb, followed by the infinitive of the main verb:

  •   aller jouer
    Je vais jouer
    Tu vas jouer
    Il / elle va jouer
    Nous allons jouer
    Vous allez jouer
    Ils / elles vont jouer

  • The negative form is constructed by placing the negative particle "ne" in front of the auxiliary and "pas" afterwards:

  • Je ne vais pas manger I am not going to eat
    Il ne va pas étudier He is not going to study
    Nous n'allons pas répondre We are not going to respond

  • To make a question, you start with the auxiliary verb followed by the subject and then the infinitive of the main verb:

  • Vas-tu lire ? Are you going to read?
    Allez-vous faire des exercices ? Are you going to do the exercises?
    Vont-ils chanter ? Are they going to sing?


    les maladies

    A cold Rhume (m) Pneumonia Pneumonie (f)
    The flu Grippe (f) Antibiotics Antibiotique (m)
    Fever Fièvre (f) Pain killer Analgésique (adj)
    Vomit Vomissement (m) Rest Repos (m)
    Diarrhea Diarrhée (f) Leprosy Lèpre (f)
    Soar throat Angine (f) Pain Douleur (f)
    Cancer Cancer (m) Exhaustion Épuisement (m)
    Heart attack Infarctus (m) Analysis Analyse (f)
    Anemia Anémie (f) Leukemia Leucémie (f)
    Medicine Médicine (f) Syrup Sirop (m)
    Thermometer Thermomètre (m)