Lesson 35 ª






 Reflexive Verbs

  • A reflexive verb is a verb that describes an action that effects the subject of the action. We do not have these verbs in the English Language but they are common in Spanish and French.

  • Se lever To get up (you get yourself up) If the verb was not reflexive it would be 'lever' and you would need a direct object e.g. He gets his mother up.
    S' habiller To get dressed (you dress yourself) uno se viste  a si mismo). If the verb was not reflexive, it would be 'habiller' and you would need a direct object e.g. She dresses her son.

  • When these verbs are conjugated they are accompanied with the corresponding personal pronoun:

  • Je me lève I get (myself) up
    Tu te lèves You get (yourself) up
    Il / elle se lève He/she gets (himself/herself) up
    Nous nous levons We get (ourselves) up
    Vous vous levez You get (yourselves) up
    Ils / elles se lèvent They get (themselves) up

  • Here are a few examples:

  • Elle se lave She washes herself
    Je me rase I shave myself
    Nous nous réveillons We wake ourselves up

  • In order to construct the present perfect or the past perfect of reflexive verbs, you take the verb"être" and you ensure it agrees with the subject and participle:

  • Elle s' est lavée She has washsed (herself)
    Il s' est lavé He has washed (himself)
    Elles se sont lavées They have washed (themselves)
    Ils se sont lavés It has washed (itself)

  • The negative form of these verbs is constructed by placing the particle "ne" in front of the personal pronoun and "pas" after the verb:

  • Je ne me lève pas I don't get (myself) up
    Elle ne se réveille pas She doesn't wake (herself) up
    Vous ne vous habillez pas You don't get (yourself) dressed

  • You can make this strucutre into a question in the following way:

  • Te lèves-tu ?  Are you getting (yourself) up?
    Nous habillons-nous ? Shall we get (ourselves) dressed?
    Se sont-ils rasés ? Have they shaved (themselves)?


    la voiture

    Steering wheel Volant (m) Clutch Embrayage (m)
    Spark plug Bougie (f) Tyre Pneumatique (m)
    Battery Batterie (f) Wheel Roue (f)
    Engine Moteur (m) Bonnet Capot (m)
    Piston Piston (m) Boot Coffre (m)
    Windscreen Pare-brise (m) Cylinder Cylindre (m)
    Windscreen wiper Essuie-glace (m) Break Frein (m)
    Bumper Pare-chocs (m) Carbureterr Carburateur (m)
    Rearview mirror Rétroviseur (m) Accelerator Accélérateur (m)
    Gear Marche (f) Deposit Réservoir (m) d'essence
    Number plate Numéro (m) d'immatriculacion