Lesson 43 ª






 The Past Simple

  • The past simple is used to describe an action that happened in the past some time ago:

  • Je mangeai I ate
    Il étudia He studied

  • It is used less frequently in spoken French. It can be found in literary French. Iin spoken French, it is usually substituted by the Present Perfect:

  • Past Simple Je regardai I saw
    Present Perfect J'ai regardé I have seen

  • With the verbs from the first group (those that end in 'er') the past simple if formed by adding the following endings to the root of the verb (the infinitive without 'er'):

  • Je + ai
    Tu + as
    Il / elle + a
    Nous + âmes
    Vous + âtes
    Ils / elles + èrent

  • Here are a few examples:

  •   Danser To dance Aimer To love
    Je Dansai I danced Aimai I loved
    Tu Dansas You danced Aimas You loved
    Il / elle Dansa He danced Aima He loved
    Nous Dansâmes We danced Aimâmes We loved
    Vous Dansâtes You danced Aimâtes You loved
    Ils / elles Dansèrent They danced Aimèrent They loved

  • The verbs from the second group (those that end ing "-ir") form this tense by adding to the root of the verb the following endings:

  • Je + is
    Tu + is
    Il / elle + it
    Nous + îmes
    Vous + îtes
    Ils / elles + irent

  • Here are a few examples:

  •   Finir To end/finish Grossir To put on weight
    Je Finis I finished Grossis I put on weight
    Tu Finis You finished Grossis You put on weight
    Il / elle Finit He finished Grossit He put on weight
    Nous Finîmes We finished Grossîmes We put on weight
    Vous Finîtes You finished Grossîtes You put on weight
    Ils / elles Finirent They finished Grossirent They put on weight

  • The verbs from the third group have their own particular form for the past simple. Therefore, it is best to learn each verb separately. The verbs "avoir" and "être" are cojugated in the following way:

  •   Avoir Être
    Je Eus Fus
    Tu Eus Fus
    Il / elle Eut Fut
    Nous Eûmes Fûmes
    Vous Eûtes Fûtes
    Ils / elles Eurent Furent



    Pregnancy Grossesse (f) Birth Naissance (f)
    Abortion Avortement (m) Labor Accouchement (m)
    Maternity Maternité (f) To be born Naître
    Gynecologist Gynécologue (m) To breastfeed Donner à téter
    Cradle Berceau (m) Vaccination Vaccin (m)
    Bottle Biberon (m) To baptise Baptiser
    Nappy Couche (f) Dummy Sucette (f)
    Pediatrician Pédiatre (m) Cesarean Césarienne(f)
    Play school Jardin d'enfants(m) Foetus Foetus (m)
    Midwife Sage-femme (f) Twins Jumelles (f.pl)
    To crawl Marcher à quatre pattes