Lesson 46 ª






 Position of Personal Pronouns

  • In this lesson, we are going to revise the collocation of personal pronouns. Let's start by reminding ourselves of the pronouns:

  • Subject Direct Object Indirect Object
    1st p.s Je Me (moi) Me (à moi)
    2nd p.s. Tu Te (toi) Te (à toi)
    3rd p.s. Il / elle Le / la / se Lui / se (à lui / à elle)
    1st p.p. Nous Nous Nous (à nous)
    2nd p.p. Vous Vous Vous (à vous)
    3rd p.p. Ils / elles Les / se Leur / se (à eux / à elles)

  • When the personal pronoun carries out the function of the subject, it is placed in front of the verb, except in the case of questions, where it goes after the verb:

  • Tu manges bien You eat well.
    Manges-tu bien ? Do you eat well?

  • When the personal pronoun is a direct or indirect object it is placed in front of the verb:
  • Direct Object Mon père me regarde My father looks at me
    Indirect Object Sa mère lui parle His mother speaks to him
    Direct Object Mon ami te salue My friend greets you
    Indirect Object Tu leur donnes un cadeau You give them a present

  • This does not happen with imperatives, in this case the personal pronouns representing direct or indirect objects are placed after the verb:

  • Direct Object Regarde-moi Look at me
    Indirect Object Parle-lui Speak to him
    Direct Object Salue-nous Greet us
    Indirect Object Donne-leur le cadeau Give them the present
    With the imperative, you use as a direct or indirect object the following personal pronouns 1st person singular and 2nd personal pronouns "moi" and "toi". 

  • If the imperative is negative, the personal pronoun is placed in front of the verb:

  • Direct Object Ne me regarde pas Don't look at me
    Indirect Object Ne lui parle pas Don't speak to him
    Direct Object Ne nous salue pas Don't gree us
    Indirect Object Ne leur donne pas le cadeau Don't give them the present
    When the imperative is negative, you use the normal forms of the 1st and 2nd person singular personal pronouns.


    la mort

    Cemetary Cimétière (m) Funerals Funérailles (f.pl)
    Death Mort (f) To embalm Embaumer
    Burial Enterrement (m) Mourning Deuil (m)
    Coffin Cercueil (m) Deceased Défunt(e)
    Mausoleum Mausolée (m) Orphan Orphélin(e)
    Tombstone Pierre tombale (f) Agony Agonie (f)
    Autopsy Autopsie (f) Corpse Cadavre (m)
    Incinerate Incinérer Wake Veillée (f)
    Crematorium Crématoire Forensic Médecin légiste (m)
    To bury Enterrer Gravedigger Fossoyeur (m)
    To shroud Ensevelir Tomb Tombe (f)
    Death notice Faire-part du décès (m) Funeral Parlor Entreprise (f) des pompes funèbres