Lesson 48 ª






 Prepositions "A" and "Dans"

  • In this lesson, we are going to revise the main prepositions in French. We will point out the most common uses of each one.

  • Preposition: À. It has numerous uses. It can be translated as: to, of, in, at, until...depending on the meaning of the sentence.

  • a) To introduce an infinitive
    Je viens d'étudier I'm coming to study
    C'est difficile à expliquer This is difficult to explain
    b) Accompanied by an indirect object
    Je donne ce cadeau à ton père I give this present to your dad
    Tu parles à ton ami You speak to your friend
    c) Accompanied by a time expression
    Le train arrive à cinq heures The train arrives at five
    À bientôt See you later
    d) Accompanied by a place expression
    Je suis à Paris I'm in Paris
    Nous arrivons à Madrid We arrive in Madrid
    e) To accompany a noun
    Machine à écrire Type writer
    Machine à vapeur Steam machine

  • Preposition: DANS. It can be translated as: in, within, during,....It has numerous uses, the most common are:

  • a) With expressions of place, with the meaning of "inside/in".
    Je suis dans le bureau I am inside the office
    Il est dans le magasin He is in the shop
    b) With expressions of time, with the meaning of "within"
    Il arrivera dans trois heures He will arrive within three hours
    L'été commence dans deux mois Summer will begin within two months
    c) With expressions of time, with the sense of "during"
    En hiver J'ai été très malade During the winter, I was very ill
    À la fête, J'ai bu beaucoup During the party, I drank a lot


    les arts

    Painting Peinture (f) Musician Musicien (m)
    Sculpture Sculpture (f) Opera Opéra (m)
    Music Musique (f) Tenor Ténor (m)
    Theatre Théâtre (m) Writer Écrivain (m)
    Cinema Cinéma (m) Composer Compositeur (m)
    Literature Littérature (f) Pianist Pianiste (m/f)
    Poetry Poésie (f) Violinist Violiniste (m/f)
    Verse Vers (m) Museum Musée (m)
    Actor Acteur (m) Exhibition Exposition (f)
    Actress Actrice (f) Art Art (m)
    Painter Peintre (m) Poem Poème (m)
    Scultpor Sculpteur (m) Conductor Chef d'orchestre(m)