Lesson 9ª








Present Simple (First Group)

  • In French, there are regular verbs which follow determined rules with their conjugation and then there are irregular verbs which behave differently.

  • French verbs are grouped into three groups according to how they are conjugated:

  • Group Ending Examples  
    1º grupo - er Manger To eat
    2º grupo - ir Finir To finish
    3º grupo - ir, - oir, - re Vouloir To want

  • In this lesson, we will study the conjugation of the present simple of verbs in the first group. This tense is formed by adding the following endings to the root of the verb:

  • 1st person singular - e
    2nd person singular - es
    3rd person singular - e
    1st person plural - ons
    2nd person plural - ez
    3rd person plural - ont

  • You can reach the root of the verb by taking "- er" from the infinitive ending: 
  • Infinitive Root  
    Chanter Chant - To sing
    Danser Dans - To dance
    Regarder Regard - To look at
    Posséder Posséd - To possess
    Brûler Brûl - To burn

  • Here you can see how these verbs are conjugated:

  • Infinitive Chanter Danser Regarder Posséder Brûler
    1st pers. sing Chante Danse Regarde Posséde Brûle
    2nd pers. sing. Chantes Danses Regardes Possédes Brûles
    3rd pers. sing. Chante Danse Regarde Posséde Brûle
    1st pers. plur. Chantons Dansons Regardons Possédons Brùlons
    2nd pers. plur. Chantez Dansez Regardez Possédez Brûlez
    3rd pers. plur. Chantent Dansent Regardent Possédent Brûlent


    les affaires

    Hat Chapeau (m) Waistcoat Gilet (m)
    Scarf Cache-nez (m) Tie Cravate (f)
    Raincoat Gabardine (f) Shirt Chemise (f)
    Coat Manteau (m) T-shirt Chemisette (f)
    Jacket Veston (m) Suit Costume (m)
    Gloves Gant (m) Underwear Les dessous (m/pl)
    Trousers Pantalon (m) Nightdress Chemise de nuit (f)
    Shoe Soulier (m) Boxer shorts Caleçon (m)
    Boot Botte (f) Sock Chaussette (f)
    Trainers Pantoufle (f) Knickers Culotte (f)
    Pyjama Pyjama (m) Dress Vêtement (m)