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Sound Stop

Walt Disney

Walt Disney est né à Chicago, USA, le 5 décembre 1901. Il a été élevé dans l´Illinois, et fût le premier á apporter quelque chose de nouveau dans l´industrie du cinéma.

Il commence à travailler dans la publicité. Mais il n´eut pas beaucoup de succès. Walt décide donc de partir pour Hollywood. Il produisit deux films muets d´animations où il présentait un nouveau personnage : Mickey Mouse, qui eut beaucoup de succès. En fait au début il s´appelait Mortimer, c´est sa femme Lilian qui lui donnât le nom de Mickey.

En 1928, Walt produisit un nouveau film dans lequel Mickey parlait. Le film s´appelait " Steamboat Willie " (La voix anglaise était celle de Walt).

Sound Stop

Très vite Mickey s´entourera d´amis, tels que Minnie Mouse et Donald Duck. Ces films eurent beaucoup de succès et rapportèrent des millions à Walt Disney.

Plus tard il produisit des dessins animés long métrage. Le premier fut " Blanche neige et les 7 nains ". (1937) Pinocchio et Fantasia suivirent Blanche Neige, mais l´Europe en guerre ne s´y intéressait pas. En 1941 sortit Dumbo, mais les Etats-Unis venait d´entrer en guerre. En 1942, Bambi ne marcha pas non plus. Mais au début des années 60, l´empire Disney est un succès majeur.

Walt Disney est le créateur des " Parcs à thèmes " avec son fameux Disneyland de Californie. Walt Disney meurt d´un cancer du poumon le 15 décembre 1966. Il venait de fêter ses 65 ans.


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Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born in Chicago, USA, 5th December 1901. He grew up in Illinois and he was the first person to bring something new to the cinema industry.

He started working in advertising but he wasn't very successful. Walt then decided to go to Hollywood. He produced two silent cartoon films where he introduced a new character, Mickey Mouse, it was very successful. At the start he was called Mortimer, and it was his wife Lilian who named him Mickey.

In 1928 Walt produced a new film where Mickey spoke. The film was called "Steamboat Willie" (the voice in English was Walt's voice). Mickey was quickly surrounded by friends like Miniie Mouse and Donald Duck. His films were very successsful and they made Walt Disney millions.

Later he produced longer animated films. The first was "Snow white and the 7 dwarfs" (1937) Pinochio and Fantasia came after Snow White but Europe was suffering a war and they weren't interested in the films. In 1941, Dumbo was released, but the USA had just entered the war. In 1942 Bambi didn't work either. But at the beginning of the 60's the Disney imperia was a great successs.

Walt Disney was the creater of "Theme Parks" with the famous Disneyland in California. Walt Disney died of lung cancer 15th December 1966. He had just celebrated his 65th birthday.