Lesson 1ª










    In German, as in English, there are two types of articles: definite and indefinite. The definite article (bestimmter Artikel) has the following forms:

  • Der  Masculine singular El 
    Die  Feminine singular La
    Das  Neutral singular El / la
    Die  Plural Los / las

  • Whilst the indefinite article (unbestimmter Artikel) has the following forms:

  • Ein  Masculine singular Un 
    Eine  Feminine singular Una
    Ein  Neutral singular Uno / una

  • In German, the plural forms do not have just one rule, therefore you need to learn the plural form with the word.

    Der Sohn Die Söhne The son/the sons
    Die Schwester Die Schwestern The sister/the sisters
    Das Haus Die Häuser The house/the houses

  • The article accompanies the noun, agreeing with it in gender, number and case. The "case" refers to the declension of the word (nominative, accusative, etc), depending on its function in a sentence.

  • Ein Hund A dog
    Ein Haus A house
    Eine Katze A cat
    Ich habe einen Hund I have a dog
    Ich habe ein Haus I have a house
    Ich habe eine Katze I have a cat

  • "Einen" in this example, is the accusative form of the masculine singular indefinite article "ein". As you can see in the accusative form only the masucline article changes its form. We will later see, when studying the different cases, the declensions of the articles.

  • Sound Stop


    Country Land (n) Airport Flughafen (m)
    Region Region (f) Station Bahnhof (m)
    Province Provinz (f) Port Hafen (m)
    City Stadt (f) Underground U-Bahn (f)
    Town Dorf (n) Park Park (m)
    Street Strasse (f) Car Park Parkplatz (m)
    Square Platz (m) Cinema Kino (n)
    Avenue Allee (f) Theatre Theater (n)
    Monument Denkmal (n) Restaurant Restaurant (n)
    Fountain Quelle (f