Lesson 12ª






Nominative declension

Sound Stop

  • In German, words are declined into four different cases: nominative, accusative, dative and genitive. Every case has a different function in a sentence:

  • Nominative Subject
    Accusative Direct object
    Dative Indirect object
    Genitive When referring to someone

  • When a noun is the subject of a sentence it goes in the nominative case, as does the article or adjective that accompanies it. Adjectives are normally placed in front of the noun:

  • Der neue Wagen  The new car
    Die alte Frau The elder lady

  • The adjective changes its ending to be nominative because of the word that precedes it (article, demonstrative pronoun, etc):

  • a) If the adjective has a definite article in front of it (der, die, das), the adjective ends with "-e" (masculine, feminine and singular neutral) and "en" (plural):

    Masculine Der kleine Wagen The small car
    Feminine Die kleine Katze The small cat
    Neutral Das kleine Haus The small house
    Plural Die kleinen Kinder The small boys

    b) If it has an indefinite article in front of it (ein, eine, ein), or a possessive pronoun, the adjective ends in "-er" (masculine), "-e" (feminine), "-es" (neutral) and"en" (plural): 

    Masculine Ein kleiner Wagen A small car
    Feminine Eine kleine Katze A small cat
    Neutral Mein kleines Haus My small house
    Plural Meine kleinen Kinder My small boys

    c) If the adjective is not proceded by any word, it ends in "-er" (masculine), "-e" (feminine), "-es" (neutral), and "-e" (plural):

    Masculine Kleiner Wagen Small car
    Feminine Kleine Katze Small cat
    Neutral Kleines Haus Small house
    Plural Kleine Kinder Small boys

    Sound Stop


    Dog Hund (m) Wolf Wolf (m)
    Cat Katze (f) Eagle Adler (m)
    Horse Pferd (n) Snake Schlange (f)
    Bull Stier (m) Camel Kamel (n)
    Cow Kuh (f) Hippopotamus Nilpferd (n)
    Sheep Schaf (n) Rhinocerous Nashorn (n)
    Goat Ziege (f) Panther Panther (m)
    Fox Fuchs (m) Shark Haifisch (m)
    Pig Schwein (n) Whale Walfisch (m)
    Elephant Elefant (m) Tiger Tiger (m)
    Lion Löwe (m) Bear Bär (m)