Lesson 22 ª






The Participle

Sound Stop

  • The way to form the participle in German presents certain difficulties for those learning the language. In this lesson, we are going to look at the main rules used to form them. In any case, if you are in doubt, German dictionaries usually indicate the participle next to the infinitive.

  • The basic rule is you take the root of the verb (infinitive - ending in "en"), and add the prefix "ge-" and the ending "-t" (if the root of the verb ends in "d" or "t", you add "-et"):

  • Infinitive Participle
    Lernen (to learn) Gelernt
    Arbeiten (to work) Gearbeitet
    Sagen (to say) Gesagt
    Leben (to live) Gelebt

  • However, many participles are formed simply by adding the prefix "ge-" to the infinitive:

  • Infinitive Participle
    Kommen (to come) Gekommen
    Geben (to give) Gegeben
    Laufen (to run) Gelaufen
    Fahren (to go in a vehicle) Gefahren

  • Some participles incorporate the ending "-t" (or"-et"), but they do not add the prefix "ge-":

  • Infinitive Participle
    Verkaufen (to sell) Verkauft
    Studieren (to study) Studiert
    Besuchen (to visit) Besucht

  • Finally, a lot of other verbs when forming the participle change their root:

  • Infinitive Participle
    Beginnen (to begin) Begonnen
    Bleiben (to remain) Geblieben
    Bringen (to bring) Gebracht
    Denken (to think) Gedacht
    Fliegen (to fly) Geflogen
    Kennen (to meet) Gekannt
    Nehmen (to catch) Genommen
    Trinken (to drink) Getrunken

  • As there are so many exceptions when it comes to forming the participle, the best thing to do is consult the dictionary when you have a doubt. You can use a dictionary until are certain of the participle of every verb.

  • Sound Stop


    Iron Eisen (n) Hydrogen Wasserstoff (m)
    Gold Gold (n) Carbon Kohlenstoff (m)
    Silver Silber (n) Nitrogen Stickstoff (m)
    Copper Kupfer (n) Uranium Uran (n)
    Tin Zinn (n) Calcium Kalcium (n)
    Lead Blei (n) Sodium Natrium (n)
    Platinum Platin (n) Potassium Kalium (n)
    Aluminium Aluminium (n) Phosphorus Phosphor (m)
    Mercury Quecksilber (n) Fluoride Fluor (n)
    Sulphur Schwefel (m) Magnesium Magnesium (n)
    Oxygen Sauerstoff (m)