Lesson 26 ª






Prepositions of place (I)

Sound Stop

  • In German, there are various prepositions that can be used to express movement (direction) and static movement.

  • When a preposition is used to express movement it takes the accusative case, whilst if the preposition does not express movement and is static it takes the dative case. Here are some examples:

  • a) Preposition"IN":

    Ich gehe ins Büro (*) (Accusative)     I go to the office
    Ich arbeite im Büro (*) (Dative) I work in the office

    (*) "Ins" is the contraction of the preposition "in" and the neutral definite article "das" in the accusative case, whilst "im" is the contraction of "in" and of the neutral definite article "dem" in the dative case.

    Ich fahre in die Stadt (Accusative)   I travel to the city
    Ich wohne in der Stadt (Dative)   I live in the city

    b) Preposition"AN":

    Ich gehe an den Strand (Accusative)     I go to the beach
    Der Hund ist am Strand (Dative)   The dog is on the beach
    Das Kind läuft ans Fenster (*) (Accusative)   The boy runs to the window
    Die Katze ist am Fenster (*) (Dative)   The cat is by the window

    (*) "Ans" is the contraction of the preposition "an" and the neutral definite article "das" in the accusative case, whilst "am" is the contraction of "an" and of the neutral definite article "dem" in the dative case.

    c) Preposition "AUF":

    Er stellt das Buch auf das Regal (Accusative)     He puts the book on the shelf
    Das Buch steht auf dem Regal (Dative) The book is on the shelf
    Das Kind springt auf den Tisch (Accusative)   The boy jumps on top of the table
    Der Teller steht auf dem Tisch (Dative) The plate is on the table

    d) Preposition "NEBEN":

    Ich lege den Bleistift neben das Buch (Accusative)     I put the pencil together with the book
    Der Bleistift liegt neben dem Buch (Dative) The pencil is together with the book
    Ich setze mich neben den Freund (Accusativo)   I sit together with my friend
    Das Kind steht neben seinem Vater (Dative)   The boy is together with his dad

    Sound Stop


    Orange Orange (f) Tomato Tomate (f)
    Pear Birne (f) Lettuce Kopfsalat (m)
    Banana Banane (f) Cucumber Gurke (f)
    Apple Apfel (m) Beetroot Rübe (f)
    Lemon Zitrone (f) Pepper Paprika (f)
    Watermelon Wassermelone (f) Carrot Mohrrübe (f)
    Melon Melone (f) Parsley Petersilie (f)
    Peach Pfirsich (m) Pumpkin Kürbis (m)
    Apricot Aprikose (f) Grape Weintraube (f)
    Strawberry Erdbeere (f) Date Dattel (f)
    Potato Kartoffel (f)