Lesson 32 ª






Modal Verbs (II): Müssen, Sollen

Sound Stop

  • In this lesson, we are going to continue looking at modal verbs.

  • a) Müssen - is translated as "must, have to" it is used to express an obligation that you have to carry out.

    Indicative Present Past
    Ich Muss Musste
    Du Musst Musstest
    Er, sie, est Muss Musste
    Wir Müssen Mussten
    Ihr Müsst Musstet
    Sie Müssen Mussten

    Here are some examples:
    Ich muss die Geldstrafe zahlen  I have to pay the fine
    Ich muss nach Paris fahren I have to go to Paris (for some motive, it is obligatory for me to go)
    Sie muss das Essen machen She should prepare the food

    b) Sollen - This verb is also translated as "must/have to", but in this case the verb implies that the speaker of the sentence has imposed the duty, in the sense that it would be convenient for the speaker to carry out the task.

    Indicative Present Past
    Ich Soll Sollte
    Du Sollst Solltest
    Er, sie, est Soll Sollte
    Wir Sollen Sollten
    Ihr Sollt Solltet
    Sie Sollen Sollten

    Here you can see the difference with "dürfen":
    Ich soll nicht rauchen I mustn't smoke (as it's bad for my health)
    Du darfst nicht rauchen You mustn't smoke (the doctor says)

    Other examples with the verb "sollen":
    Ich soll Englisch lernen I must study English (because I have an exam soon)
    Ich soll zu Hause anrufen I must ring home (my parents want me to call them)

    Sound Stop


    Pine Pinie (f) Poplar Pappel (f)
    Palm tree Palme (f) Banana tree Platane (f)
    Oak Eiche (f) Cork tree Korkeiche (f)
    Cypress Zypresse (f) Vineyard Weinberg (m)
    Ilex Steineiche (f) Coconut palm Kokospalme (f)
    Eucalyptus Eukalyptus (m) Cactus Kactus (m)
    Orange tree Orangenbaum (m) Plum tree Pflaumenbaum (m)
    Lemon tree Zitronenbaum (m) Almond tree Mandelbaum (m)
    Pear tree Birnbaum (m) Chestnut tree Kastanienbaum (m)
    Apple tree Apfelbaum (m) Olive tree Olivenbaum (m)
    Fig tree Feigenbaum (m)