Lesson 35 ª







Sound Stop

  • In German, questions have the following structure:

  • Verb + subject + predicate

  • Here are some examples:

  • Gehen sie mit uns ? Are they coming with us?
    Kaufst du die Zeitung ? Are you buying the newspaper?
    Sind sie hier ? Are they here?

  • If the verb is a compound verb, then you start the the sentence with the auxiliary verb and you end with the main verb?

  • Sind sie mit uns gegangen ?  Have then come with us?
    Hast du die Zeitung gekauft ? Have you bought the newspaper?
    Sind sie hier gewesen ?  Have they been here?

  • There is also a model to follow which starts with a pronoun or with an interrogative adverb:

  • Interrogative Pronoun Interrogative adverb
    Wer ?  Who...? Wo ... ? Where....?
    Was ?  What...? Wie ... ? How...?
    Welcher ... ?  Which...? Warum ... ? Why...?
    Was für einer ... ?  What type of....? Wann ... ? When...?
    Wie lange ... ? How long...?
    Wieviel ... ? How much...?
    Wie viele ... ? How many...?
    Woher ... ? From where....?
    Wohin ... ? To where....?

  • Here are some examples:

  • Wohin sind sie gefahren? Where have they gone?
    Wer ist das ? Who is this?
    Wieviel kostet dieses Hemd ? How much does this shirt cost?
    Wann ist das Spiel? When is the game?

    Sound Stop


    Shark Haifisch (m) Trout Forelle (f)
    Whale Walfisch (m) Samon Lachs (m)
    Dolfin Delphin (m) Squid Kalamar (m)
    Sword fish Schwertfisch (m) Sardine Sardine (f)
    Octopus Polyp (m) Red bream Meerbrasse (f)
    Seal Robbe (f) Caviar Kaviar (m)
    Penguin Pinguin (m) Crocodile Krokodil (n)
    Crab Krebs (m) Cod Kabeljau (m)
    Seafood Meeresfrüchte (f.pl) Tuna Thunfisch (m)
    Clam Venusmuschel (f) Tortoise Schildkröte (f)
    Sperm whale Pottwal (m) Snail Schnecke (f)
    Walrus Walross (n)