Lesson 4ª






The verb "sein" ("to be ")

Sound Stop

  • The verb "sein" is the same as the verb "to be" in English. This verb has a fundamental role in the language:

    I am Ich bin
    You are Du bist
    He/she is Er / sie / es  ist
    We are Wir sind
    You are Ihr seid
    They are Sie sind

  • Here is the verb in its past form:

  • I was Ich war
    You were Du warst
    He/she was Er / sie / es  war
    We were Wir waren
    You were Ihr wart
    They were Sie waren

  • The verb "sein" is used to construct attributive sentences:

  • Ich bin gross I am tall
    Du bist Spanier You are Spanish
    Sie war nett She was friendly
    Wir sind stark We are strong
    Sie sind hier They are here

    Sound Stop


    Body Körper (m) Leg Bein (n)
    Head Kopf (m) Knee Knie (n)
    Neck Hals (m) Foot Fuss (m)
    Shoulder Shulter (f) Nail Nagel (m)
    Arm Arm (m) Muscle Muskel (m)
    Elbow Ellbogen (m) Bone Knochen (m)
    Hand Hand (f) Skin Haut (f)
    Finger Finger (m) Hair Haar (n)
    Chest Brust (f) Back Rücken (m)
    Stomach Bauch (m)