Lesson 6ª






Present Simple

Sound Stop

  • In German, as with English, there are some regular verbs which follow certain conjugation patterns and then there are irregular verbs where there are exceptions. In this lesson, we are going to study the formation of the present simple regular verbs.

  • This tense is formed by adding the following endings to the root of the verb:

  • 1st pers. sing. -e
    2nd pers. sing. -st
    3rd pers. sing. -t
    1st pers. plur. -en
    2nd pers. plur. -t
    3rd pers. plur. -en

  • The root of the verb is obtained by removing the ending "en" from the infinitive:

  • Infinitive Root
    Arbeiten Arbeit-
    Wohnen Wohn-
    Fragen Frag-

  • Here are some examples:

  • Infinitive Arbeiten (to work) Wohnen (to live)


    (to ask)


    (to learn)

    1st pers. sing. - Ich Arbeite Wohne Frage Lerne
    2nd pers. sing. - Du Arbeitest Wohnst Fragst Lernst
    3rd pers. sing. - Er; Sie; Es Arbeitet Wohnt Fragt Lernt
    1st pers. plur. - Wir Arbeiten Wohnen Fragen Lernen
    2nd pers. plur. - Ihr Arbeitet Wohnt Fragt Lernt
    3rd pers. plur. - Sie Arbeiten Wohnen Fragen Lernen

  • Within this rule for forming the present simple of regular verbs, there are also some things to note:

  • If the root of the verb ends in "d" or in "t", then you add an "e" between the root and the ending with the 2nd person singular and plural forms, same as the 3rd person singular (you can see this with the verb "arbeiten").

    If the root of the verb ends in "s", "ss", "x" o "z", then "s" is dropped when forming the 2nd person singular (for example: "reisen" (to travel): its 2nd person singular conjugation is "reist".

    Sound Stop


    Hat Hut (m) Waistcoat Weste (f)
    Scarf Schal (m) Tie Krawatte (f)
    Raincoat Regenmantel (m) Shirt Hemd (n)
    Coat Schutz (m) T-shirt T-shirt (n)
    Jacket Jacke (f) Suit Anzug (m)
    Glove Handschuh (m) Underwera Unterwäsche (f)
    Trousers Hose (f) Vest Unterhemd (n)
    Shoe Schuh (m) Boxer shorts Unterhose (f)
    Boot Stiefel (m) Bra Büstenhalter (m)
    Trainer Pantoffel (m) Sock Socke (f)
    Pyjama Pyjama (m) Knickers Schlüpfer (m)
    Dress Kleid (n)