Lesson 8ª







Possessive adjectives

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Possessive adjectives accompany nouns and they agree with the noun in gender, number and case. In the following table, we will see the different forms of an adjective:

Person Masculine Feminine Neutral Plural
1st Person Singular Mein Meine Mein Meine
My My My My
2nd Person Singular Dein Deine Dein Deine
Your Your Your Your
3rd Person Singular Sein Seine Sein Seine
(masculine) His His His His
3rd Person Singular Ihr Ihre Ihr Ihre
(feminine) Her Her Her Her
1st Person Plural Unser Unsere Unser Unsere
Our Our Our Our
2nd Person Plural Euer Eure Euer Eure
Your Your Your Your
3rd Person Plural Ihr Ihre Ihr Ihre
  Their Their Their Their

  • Possessive adjectives are declined following the same model, except for the 2nd person plural form. As an example we are going to decline the first person singular possessive adjective:

  • Singular form:
      Masculine Feminine Neutral  
    Nominative Mein Meine Mein My
    Acusative Meinen Meine Mein  My
    Dative Meinem Meiner Meinem

    To me

    Genitive Meines Meiner Meines From me
    Plural form: Idéntica para masculino, femenino y neutro
    Nominativo Meine Mis (míos, mías)
    Acusativo Meine Mis (míos, mías) 
    Dativo Meinen A mis (a los míos, mías)
    Genitivo Meiner De mis ( de los míos, mías)

  • The 2nd person plural form is slightly different, because in some cases the "e" disappears from the root:

  • Singular Form:
      Masculine Feminine Neutral  
    Nominative Euer Eure Euer Our
    Accusative Euren Eure Euer  Our
    Dative Eurem Eurer Eurem To our
    Genitive Eures Eurer Eures From our
    Plural Form: It is the same for masculine, feminine and neutral
    Nominative Eure Our
    Accusative Eure Our
    Dative Euren To our
    Genitive Eurer From our

  • The same adjectives can take on the function of possessive pronouns, in which case, they don't accompany any nouns, they replace them.

  • Let's seem some examples of these adjectives and possessive pronouns:

  • Mein Wagen ist gross My car is big
    Dein Wagen ist klein Your car is small
    Unser Mädchen (n) ist gross Our child is tall
    Euer Mädchen ist gross Your child is tall
    Ich treffe unseren Freund I find our friend
    Du triffst euren Freund You find your friend
    Sie helfen ihrem Freund They help their friend
    Wir helfen unseren Freunden We help our friends

    Sound Stop


    Lawyer Anwalt (m) Painter Maler (m)
    Doctor Arzt (m) Mechanic Mechaniker (m)
    Doctor (female) Ärztin (f) Engineer Ingenieur (m)
    Economist Volkswirt (m) Priest Priester (m)
    Architect Architekt (m) Artist Künstler (m)
    Sales person Kaufmann (m) Actor Schauspieler (m)
    Baker Bäcker (m) Civil Servant Beamte (m)
    Hairdresser Friseur (m) Writer Schriftsteller (m)
    Hairdresser Friseuse (f) Locksmith Schlosser (m)
    Plumber Klempner (m) Carpenter Tischler (m)