Lesson 14ª







Indirect style

In German, you can create the indirect style using the indicative, the subjunctive I, the subjunctive II and circumlocution

a)With the indicative

Direct style

Thomas: Mein Auto kann nicht mehr repariert werden.
Thomas: My car can't be repaired anymore.

Indirect style

Thomas sagt, dass sein Auto nicht mehr repariert werden kann.
Thomas says that his car can't be repaired anymore.

b) With Subjuntive I

Indirect style

I Sie erzählte ihrem Chef, sie sei müde.
She told her boss that she was tired

c) With Subjunctive II

Indirect style

Sie sagte, sie käme bald nach Hause.
She said she would be home soon.

d) With circumlocution

Indirect style

Wie sie behauptet, ist sie zu müde um mir zu helfen.
According to what she claims, she is too tired to help me.
Wie der Rechtsanwalt es darstellt, ist dieser Mann unschuldig.
According to the lawyer, this man is innocent.
Wie er sagt, sind die Preise auch im Ausland ziemlich gestiegen.
According to what he also says, prices have risen quite a lot abroad.

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Complete the following sentences.

(Click in the box to see the answers; double click to return to the original position)