Lesson 22 ª







The infinitive as part of the sentence

An infinitive can carry out different uses in a sentence. Amongst them there is Satzglied (autonomous part of the sentence)

a) The infinitive instead of the subject

Es freut mich Dich zu sehen.
I'm pleased to see you


Uns ärgert es, ständig auf euch warten zu müssen.
It bothers us that we always have to wait for you.

b) The infinitive instead of the object of the accusative

Ich bewundere es, hart zu arbeiten.
I admire hard work.


Er hasst es zu warten.
He hates waiting

c) The infinitive instead of the object of the genitive

Er schämt sich, kleiner als die anderen zu sein.
He's embarrased about being shorter than the others.


Die Studentin rühmt sich, die besten Noten zu haben.
The student boasts about having the best marks.

d) The infinitive instead of the prepositional object

Der Gärtner beschloss, einen Rosenstock zu pflanzen.
The gardener decided to plant a rosebush.


Der Lehrer beschloss, seine Schüler zu bestrafen.
The teacher decided to punish the students

e) The infinitive instead of the attributive

Ich beherrsche die Kunst, Klavier zu spielen.
I dominate the art of playing the piano.


Ich habe die Kraft weiter zu machen.
I have the strength to continue.

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Translate the following sentences.

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