Lesson 26 ª







Noun genders

There are some general rules which determine the gender of each noun. However, in practice, there are numerous exceptions.Therefore, it is important to memorize the gender of each noun.

In spite of this, it is useful to know the rules as they are valid for the majority of nouns.

1.- Endings for masculine nouns

- ant (der Musikant; musician)

- el (der Löffel; spoon)

- ent (der Student; student)

- er (der Techniker; technician)

- ismus (der Sozialismus; socialism)

- ist (der Komponist; composer)

- ling (der Neuling; new)

- or (der Motor; motor)

2.- Endings for feminine nouns

The typical ending used to form feminine nouns from masculine nouns that refer to occupations / professions is "- in".

der Arzt (doctor (m) / die Ärztin (doctor (f)

To find these feminine nouns in the dictionary you have to look the masculine form up in the dictionary.

Other endings:

- e (die Schokolade; chocolate)

- ei (die Schlägerei; fight)

- in (die Lehrerin; teacher)

- keit (die Höflichkeit; courtesy)

- ung (die Unterhaltung; conversation)

- t (die Kraft; strength)

- ion (die Explosion; explosion)

- schaft (die Eigenschaft; characteristic)

- ung (die Anmeldung; enrolment)

3.- Endings for neuter nouns

- chen (das Mädchen; girl)

- lein (das Fräulein; young lady)

- nis (das geheimnis; secret)

- et (das Gebet; prayer)

- ett (das Bett; cama)

- sal (das Schicksal; destination)

- tum (das Altertum; age/antiquity)

Please note: In German, the words girl (Mädchen) and young lady (Fräulein) are neuter in gender.

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Determine the gender of the following nouns.

(Click in the box to see the answers; double click to return to the original position)