Germany, there are many international restaurants.
Many Germans prefer international food to traditional
German food. The Germans especially appreciate Italian,
Turkish and Asiatic food. They also really like
American fast-food restaurants.
during the last few years, biological food has gained
popularity. Ecological vegetables and whole-grain
foods are fashionable. But traditional German food
is still in existance. It is true that in Germany
they eat a lot of potatoes. Famous potato dishes
are: mashed potato, potato dumplings and potato
salad. Typical German vegetables are: sauerkraut
and red-cabbage.
beer is known throughout the world. It is less known
that Germany also make their own wine. In the region
of the Rhine, there is a real wine-growing region.
come from the south of Germany: sausages, Frankfurt
sausages and white sausages.
the north of Germany, there are fishing ports and
for this reason there are many fish dishes. The
most famous are the dishes with prawns and Bismark
herrings, which were named after the famous politician.
cooking is similar to Bavarian cooking. Viena is
famous for its cakes and pastries (Viena's Patisserie)
and for their Vienesse escalope. Switzerland is
famous for its cheese and chocolate.