Lesson 40 ª







Eraser Tool

In cases such as this one in which we have worked on the face and its elements individually, we can make some adjustments using 2 commonly used tools for touching up an image: the Eraser Tool and the Clone Tool.

The elements we need to correct are found in different layers. So, in order to get better results, we need to alternate between layers when necessary.

Notice that in this image, the nose has an excess portion. Making sure we have selected the proper Layer, we will erase this excess.

We select the Eraser Tool. Among its options, a very important one is the size, which in this case is called Scale.


We can adjust its size by using the horizontal scroll bar.

After selecting the proper layer, we apply the Eraser Tool.

In this case, it can be difficult for us to do this task since the 2 Layers are close together. On trick we can do in order to erase better is to reduce the opacity of the Layer so we can see the edges better.

For a satisfactory result, we better use a small Brush, and (if possible) blended for better control. We can do this from the Brushes sub-menu.

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