Lesson 17




OBJECTIVE.- Establish relationships between members of the group.

MATERIALS NEEDED.- A basket and some cards with the names

AGE.- Any

HOW TO DEVELOP THE TASK.- Each member will take a card from the basket which will have the name of their "secret friend. If a group member picks their own name out, they have to place the card back into the basket and pick a different one. It is fundamental that during the task nobody mentions who their secret friend. The coordinator will let you know the length of the task at the beginning. During the task, the group members will have to get to know their "secret friend" really well, without letting them know. They need to find out about their attitude, behaviour,...... When the task comes to an end, the group should sit in the centre, clore his eyes and he should guess who his secret friend is (who will be back to back with him).
He will have two chances to guess. Both will talk about their experience infront of their colleagues. The game will continue when the identified person closes his eyes and he has to guess his secret friend. And so forth.

THINGS TO CONSIDER.- The length of the game depends on the context of the group. The task could go on for one day (at the beginning of a course) or a month (in meeting groups or classes).