Lesson 8








The group activities are tools used to deal with determined topics. They help member of the group make their own conclusions in a practical and pleasant way. They can be used for different aspects but are very useful to deal with tiresome and difficult subjects.

Carrying out group activities is easy in friendly atmospheres, were generally people want to learn about their colleague. The activities should be voluntary (never force participation).

The group activities should be simple and entertaining. This should be clear from the start of the activity so as to avoid going off course and people loosing interest in the activity.

Therefore, the coordinator, or the person in charge, has to know the aim of the activity (and possible variants to use according to how it develops) also how to use and develop the activity. The leader should always direct the activity towards achieving the main objective.

The coordinator should not only influence the achievement of a specific objective but lots of different objectives. The coordinator should also bear in mind that certain techniques are not valid for all groups. We can classify the group activities according to the followind conditions:

  • The objectives.- there are a great variety of  activities which we will see as this course progresses.

  • The maturity of the group.- for groups that have recently been put together, it is essential to carry out simple activities, whilst with groups that have been together longer (used to carrying out activities together) you can use more complex techniques.

  • The size of the group.- it is very important to consider this, as it will be a lot easier to reach conclusions with a small group. It is also important that the leader knows how to maintain the intensity of the activity at all times, something quite difficult to do with large groups, as they tend to get distracted.

  • The environment.- as with everything in life, the environment conditions the activity's succes. Internal or external space, necessary materials, meteorology, time needed (avoid making the activity shorter or longer) yhese are all aspects for the leader to consider when preparing the activity.

  • The characteristic of the group members.- ages, interests, experience, abilities, possibilities, maturity.

  • The coordinators.- ability to carry out activities.