Lesson 24 ª








Production Function

Production function determines the amount companies are going to produce, that's to say, the quantity of goods and services that they are going to offer the market.

Every company has:

Productive resources or capital stock (machines, computers, vehicles, etc).

Human resources (workers)

We can represent the production function using the formula y = F (L,K). The production of a country (Y) depends on the amount of work (L) and the quantity of capital (K).

The amount of work is determined in the work market, whilst the productive resources are considered fixed in the short term.

With these two premises we can now draw the curve of production function.

The slope of the curve is positive but decreasing: the greater the volume of work the greater the rate of production but with an increasingly lower percentage (performance law).

For example: a house can be built quicker with two workmen than with one, and with 4 rather than 2, but there will be a moment when it will not be worth bringing in more workmen.

A variation in the volume of employment (given a determined quantity of productice resources) causes a movement along the curve.

A variation in the volume of the productive resources can cause a movement in the curve:

If the productive resources increase for a determined level of work, the level of production will increase: the production curve will move up.

If the productive resources decrease the production curve moves down.

The productive resources an economy has are determined by their level of savings:

The higher the level of savings the more a country will invest, which in the long term will increase their productive resources and therefore, their level of production.

In short, the work market determines the level of employment in the economy and once this has been defined, the production function will determine the volume of production (aggregate supply).

The Production function that we have analysed can get complicated if we introduce more productive factors:

Natural Resources (N) that a country has: minerales, fish, woods, energy, etc.

Human Capital (H): a populations' level of training and abilities.

The Production Function will now remain: Y = f (L, K, N, H), working in a very similar way to that we have already explained:

Change of (L): movement along the curve.

Change of (K, H, N): movements in the curve.