Lesson 26 ª








Aggregate offer-demand outline

The position at which the offer and demand curves cross determines the 

level  of  production  and  prices for  the economy  to  be  in a  state  of 

equilibrium.  The  position   also  determined the  level  of employment.

What happens if the economy is not in equilibrium?

Let's suppose that offer is greater than demand (point B). This implies that part of a company's production is not sold. In order not to remain with a part of the production in the warehouse they start to lower their prices (which will increase demand) and at the same time they will reduce production.

This process continues until the economy finds itself in a state of equilibrium:

Quanity offered = Quantity demanded

Let's suppose now that the offer is less than demand (point C). Part of the citizen's demands will not be met which will cause prices to rise. Companies will increase their production to attend to demand. The process continues again until the economy reaches a state of equilibrium.