Lesson 17







When we refer to "saving time", delegating is an important aspect, as we can't do everything ourselves. Therefore, we should look for trustworthy people who we can delegate certain aspects to, so they can do the tasks for us.

The consultant Kathy Paauw establishes that "delegating is more than just transfering work. It means involving others with the responsability of the results, giving someone else the freedom to make decisions on how to achieve the results".

For an expert in these things, we can look to Harold Koontz, who explains the following: "administrators should realize that a law of comparative administrative advantage exists, similar to the law of economic comparative advantage which is applied to nations. The comarative economic advantage explains the following: administrators should realize that a law of comparative advantage exists, similar to the law of economic advantage which applies to the nations. The comparative economic advantage states that a country gets richer if they export what they produce less efficienty, even if they can produce the imported goods at a lower cost than any other nation.

Administrators can contribute more to a company if they concentrate on the most beneficial tasks for the company's objectives and assign other activities to their subordinates, in spite of the fact that they could carry out those jobs more efficiently.

Many of us have the "bad habit" or taking work home, we complain that our work timetable doesn't give us enough time to carry out our work, but one of the best way of decreasing work is by delegating others to help us.

The more we delegate, the more our skills as administrators or executives will increase and we will be able to carry out more than we ever imagined.  

Kathy Paauw  proposes the following advice for when we have to delegate work to our colleagues.

1. Select the most adequate person for the job.   It is always frightening delegating activities, but if we do not do it, we will always be overwhelmed and we will not give our colleagues the opportunity to gain experience and learn new challenges. As we get to know how staff react, we will gain confidence to then delegate activities that imply greater responsibility.

2. Give enough information.  When you delegate work, do not keep certain information to yourself, always give the necessary and sufficient information so that the person can carry out the activity the best way possible. Besides, it is important that the person who has been delegated knows his role, that he knows how important his role is to the company. It is also necessary for him to know what is expected from his work, to measure the success or failure of the operation, so that the employee has a clear idea of what he wants to achieve and what is expected of him.

I know executives that assign responsibilities to their employees but don't give them enough information, documents from previous projects, etc. In this case, the employees find themselves carrying out activities from "Zero" over and over again. When in reality the project has already been started and they could get better results if they were to start from an established starting point.

3. Delegate the whole project to one person and give him all of the responsibility. If we want the work to be successful, we should give the whole project to just one person and we should give him all of the responsibility and authority so that he can successfully carry out the project. Besides, it is necessary to let the whole company know that this person has been given this project and that he has the responsbility to carry it out.

However, the end result will always fall on your sholders, always remember this. One of the best ways to let the organization know that someone is in charge of a certain project is through meetings which take place during the work week.

4. Focus on the results, not the process.  Often we delegate responsibility, and despite this we are constantly supervising the development of the tasks, as we want them to be carried out exactly how we planned. However, the best thing to do is delegate and then leave the employee to use his/her initiative to resolve problems as he/she believes most convenient. Therefore, this message is for all those that focus on the results, not in how to get to them. Except for exceptional cases, this suggestions applies to the majority of work and personal situations.