Lesson 5ª







Treating cuticles

The cuticle is a prolongation of the skin which covers the fingers. Besides its protecting function (prevents possible infections), it also has an important aesthetic function. Its care has a direct impact on the final result we will see on our hands. In this Lesson, we will show you the steps you must follow in order to be able to treat them properly.

Applying the cuticle remover.

The first step in treating cuticles is softening them. To do this, we will use the cuticle remover. We need to apply a small portion of cuticle remover on the area of the lunula, distribute it evenly all over the edges. Apply cuticle cream on the lunula area using a small quantity, spread it all over the edges.

Then, let the product rest for a couple of minutes and move on to the next step.

Soak the cuticles in water

Then, we need to submerge the fingers in a container with warm water and hydrating soap. Each hand needs to be submerged for approximately 4 minutes.


Removing and pushing the cuticles backwards.

After we have submerged the cuticles for the specified time, we can finish the job using the cuticle pusher. With the sharp end, we will remove the excess cuticle.

With the round tip, we will push the cuticles backwards to give shape to the nail.

Afterwards, we can cut the cuticles if necessary (in case they are too thick or long). However, it is generally enough if we use a pusher.

If you need to cut, never cut too much; this might damage the nail and ease the appearance of cracks. To cut them, you need to use the cutting pliers.

Hydrating the cuticles

Finally, we need to hydrate them. Generally, after treatment, they can get overly dry or might generate some unbalances.

To take this step, we need to use a hydrating oil for cuticles. We simply need to apply one pass per nail.

After we have applied the hydrating oil, it is advisable to perform a small massage on each nail to ease its absorption. .

With this step, we have finished everything in regards with cuticles.