Lesson 8ª







French Manicure

French manicure is a very popular type of manicure. It is widely used in the fashion industry. And with good reason, since it gives the sensation of perfect cleanliness. Besides, this finish produces an effect of making our nails look longer and finer. It is highly recommended for people with small or wide hands and fingers.

On the other hand, French Manicure combines with anything perfectly. It goes well to a bride, as well as an executive woman or somebody who just wants to party. Moreover, it goes well with any type of make-up and clothing.

To make a proper French manicure, the only thing you need to do is to follow all the previous lessons (from the start) and then, replace the following step:

Polishing and applying the base. In this step, you just need to concentrate in changing the tone of your base coat. In a French manicure, you need to use a pink-tone base coat.

Drawing the white stripe. This is the characteristic detail of a French manicure; you must do it. The white stripe is drawn on the outside of the nail, bordering and covering the area of the nail that stands out from the tip of the finger. Without a doubt, this is probably the most delicate step, since we need to be extremely precise.

For beginners, you have the option of using stickers (easily found in beauty shops and cosmetic supplies stores), which can be applied on the nail and used as a guide for drawing the stripe.

However, it is advisable for you to always use the 'classic' option: drawing by hand. Do not worry if at first things don't come out as you expect them. Practice as many times as necessary. Remember, practice makes perfect.

To draw this line, you will only use white nail polish (sold specially for French manicure, and they come with thin applicators which make drawing easier). Grab each finger firmly to work as a base for application. Grab one finger like tweezers with one hand and use the pinky finger of your other hand for support, just like you see in the images below.

Once you have finished all the nails, they should look like this (or similar):

Applying nail polish. Finally, the only thing you need to do is concentrating on applying a porcelain tone nail polish, translucent.

You need to apply this nail polish even over the white stripes we have marked. You also need to apply 2 coats.

That's it! Now you know how to make a French manicure. Congratulations!