Lesson 5ª









The product or quotient of two numbers with different signs is always negative:


A lone negative sign in front of parenthesis means you change the signs of any number inside them. A positive sign in front of a parenthesis doesn't change anything. Thus, it is rarely written. Look at these examples:


For example, it is always a good idea to place negative numbers inside parentheses when we have to perform an operation with them:


Solve the following exercises:


Solve the following exercises:

a) 3+4-6-7x2-13 = -26

b) 4-10-6/2-5+8 = -6

c) 2+4-5+6(-9)-20 = -73

d) 2(-3-2)+1-4(1-3)-6 = -7

e) 17-(5-1)-2(-4-1)+10 = 33

f) 2[-3-2(3+1)+2] = -18

g) 1+[2-4(2-4)-8] = 3

In case you've had any difficulties:

a) –6–14–13 =– 26

b) –6–3–5+8 = –6

c) 1–54–20 = –73

d) 2(-5)+1-4(-2)-6 = -10+1+8-6 = -7

e) 17-4-2(-5)+10 = 13+10+10 = 33

f) 2[-3-2 4+2] = 2[-3-8+2] = 2 (-9) = -18

g) 1+[2-4 (-2)-8] = 1+[2+8-8] = 1+2 = 3