Lesson 14ª







Vertical and horizontal format

In general most people to take pictures using the frame horizontally. Why do this? Because the cameras are made to be held horizontally.

But this at all mean we can not rotate the camera to take pictures vertically. We must decide, according to what we're shooting, that format is more convenient to use.

There is a theory that if an object is vertical (longer than wide) to use a frame vertical, and if an object is horizontal (longer than wide) to use a horizontal framing. And, although this generally makes sense, does not mean you have to be the case. Remember that rules are for breaking. But if you draw a vertical object with a horizontal format has to make sense and needs to improve the image.

When we frame the picture horizontally will give the feeling of tranquility, serenity and even quiet. But if we frame vertically, the image will give the feeling of firmness and strength.

The landscapes in general are drawn with a horizontal format so called horizontal format. Pictures, by contrast, are removed with a vertical format since, in this way is easier to fill the frame and not leave too much space vacuum or elements that do not contribute to the image (actually detract from the image) .

Anyway, the lesson of using a vertical or horizontal is completely personal. The important thing is that the format we choose is suitable for the type of photo you want to do. When we're not sure it's best to look through the camera horizontally and vertically to see which one suits us or prefer to use.

Below you can see 2 examples of the same photo. One is taken with portrait and one with horizontal format. It depends on how they want to show and how they want to show it, they will agree to use a certain format.