Lesson 16ª







Center the object

Center the object is to put the most important of photography in the middle of the photo. This will generate a static image and quiet.

To center an object or subject I think you have to think twice before doing so. You must be a conscious decision and it is sometimes the best option.

If for example we are filling a frame with a subject sometimes the best option is to center as it will attract attention to himself.

It is also a good resource that we use when we have a background with too many items. Center the main object helps draw attention to it.

In this case the model center to prevent a lot of background appeared. It was a conscious decision and not an accident. Use a macro lens 105 to achieve a rapprochement.

In this case I wanted to show is the eyes and the look of the model. That's why I laid eyes on the center. Thus to achieve the first thing people look to see the photo are, in fact, the eyes.