Lesson 2ª








Total Quality

The topic of quality has been the focal point for studies throughout history in different ways. Beginning, in some degree, with the organization of work by Taylor with the purpose of improving both the productive process and the product itself, going through to the statistical controls presented by Deming and Juran (Deming 1986), to end with integrated systems of total quality.

For Sastre (1993), Total Quality Management (TQM) refers to a type of management for long term success by seeking the satisfaction of clients. TQM is based on bringing together the involvement of all the members of the organization to improve its processes, products, services, and the very culture in which they work. TQM benefits all the members of an organization as well as society itself.

This task focuses above everything on developing the concept of total quality. The interested reader shall ask himself/herself first, why would an enterprise or public institution be interested in introducing a quality system and which would its benefits be?.