Lesson 37 ª









Another tool that makes it easy to appropriate, without resorting to the same words every time. Synonyms function is, as its name suggests, helps identify and suggest words of similar meaning to that selected.

To use this feature, we always place ourselves in the Review section toolbar.


We position ourselves in the word we want to search and find synonyms. In the example below, to see that the cursor is on the word "research" and therefore this indicates that the search words with similar meanings.



Click on the icon toolbar Synonyms


this will open a window opens with options on the right side of the display window that shows the different options found in the dictionary as a synonym for the word "research"


We selected these multiple options that best meets our text. In this case, we will take the suggestion of the word "investigation". We are located in this word and we will have an arrow indicating the existence of a window.


Press and deploy this window will display the alternatives we have and In this case, we choose Insert.


Already in our worksheet in the document, the word "research" will be changed by the word "investigation" almost synonymous.
