Lesson 14





In general, smiling is a characteristic sign of positive and pleasant emotions, although this is not always the case. Smiling is a good way of communicating, due to the fact that you can use a smile to achieve many objectives.

Evidently, the way you smile will change according to why you are smiling. It will change in intensity, latencia (time it takes to appear) duration, and time it takes to completly disappear. The different uses of a smile are:

  • To regulate a conversation: smiling is a way to start a conversation, to prepare for the intevention or to ask for the other person to start speaking. Whilst you are speaking, smiling indicates to the other person that we understand him/her, that we agree with what they are saying. Finally, finishing a conversation with a smile can be a good way of making the other person good, and to leave a good impression ready for the next time meeting.
  • To express positive emotions: happiness, pleasure, excitment, relief.
  • To disguise negative emotions: like rage, sadness, anger, disgust or fear.
  • To express disturbance or embarassment

    To flirt

It has been proved that it is really difficult to produce the same smile linked to positive emotions as to disguise negative emotions. The cause is the grade of voluntary control which we have on the different muscles that we move when we smile.

The muscle which extends from the cheeks to the corner of your mouth can be controlled. However, the muscle which goes around your eye, can not be controled voluntary.

Various experiments show that this muscle contracts completely when a smile is sincere, that is to say, it responds to a real positive emotion. This is how we notice the difference between a real and fake smile.