the Correct Medium
It is essential
to know where you want to place your advert.
It is essential to carry out a process to select the mediums that
you are going to use. When you have a certain budget, the publicity
is organized within an advertising campaign that co-ordinates and
re-inforces the presence of the different mediums. There are a series
of factors which you must consider:
A first
selection process is needed in order to decide on the combination
of mediums you are going to use. That's to say you can choose
a mixture of television, press, radio, outside publicity and other
you have decieded on which mediums you are going to use, you have
to specify the specific supports. That's to say, if you have
chosen to put your advert on the televison, you then have to select
the most adequate television channels.
the insertions. Once you have selected the support you should
decide exactly where you are going to place your advert. There are
many different places where you can palce a specific advert. For
example, if we have selected channel 5, there is a great variety
of times or programmes in which we can place your advert.
In order
to select the right medium, you need to bear in mind a series
of factors:
The marketing
target audience.
coverage. The percentage of the population that you are targeting.
image that we want to transmit.
technical possibilities of each medium.
a Specific Medium: We
have to determine which newspaper we want our advert to appear in
or which television channel. To help us carry out this process we
should analyze:
target audience. Who are we directing our message at? We need
to select the newspaper, radio programme, magazine or television
programme we want to appear in. If we want our message to be received
by young, urban, modern people, we have to place the advert on the
radio on in a television programme which they watch.
image.that each medium transmits.The reputation which the consumers
give every mangazine, newspaper or television programme.
credibility. How credible do the consumers consider each medium?
For example an advert in a newspaper - an advert inserted in a serious
newspaper is not considered the same as an advert inserted in a
tabloid newspaper.
technical possibilities of the different mediums. Some mediums
allow sound and image like the television, but they require a very
short message. On the other hand, newspapers can send a great amount
of information to the consumers in one advert. Magazines allow you
to use colour and different types of insertions.
availability of advertising slots. Sometimes the best spaces
are reserved in advance by big advertising companies and agencies.
cost. An essential aspect. To carry out a first approximation
we analyze the number of people that see an advert. To know the
number of people that see a determined advert we normally have to
get the information from a specific market research company.