Lesson 13ª







3. 7 Feeding should be based upon:

  • A vegetable consumption, both for Lunch and Dinner/Supper, since they guarantee the intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is important for us to include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage (white and red), brussels sprouts and radish at least 4 times a week
  • 3 units of fruit daily (a minimum of 5 citrus per week)
  • Whole-grain cereal (rice, pasta, bread (no trans fat), and legumes (lentils, beans,  chickpeas,  broad beans and peas)
  • 3 servings of dairy products: 2 of milk or skimmed yogurt and 1 of cheese (between 30 and 60 gr.)
  • lean meat: fish, 2 or 3 times a week (at least), beef and skinless chicken.
  • Up to 1 egg daily, egg whites can be eaten freely to be able to use in your cooking procedures.
  • Raw oil, those which contribute good quality fat acids, such as omega 3 and 0 (extra virgin olive oil, sunflower and soy). Nowadays, we know that omega 6 (present in corn and sunflower oil) are a part of other common foods (whole-grain cereal, seeds, etc.) so it's not necessary for us to include them in our diet.
  • dry fruit: 15 peanuts, 2 walnuts, 6 almonds, 8 hazelnuts or 6 chestnuts and/or 1 to 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds, lineseed, sesame or pumpkin seeds. All of these give fiber, proteins and good quality fats.


3. 8 How many calories we should ingest

The nutritional state of the person will decide the calorie contribution. There are several techniques and methods used to determine the calorie needs of a person in particular. This will be conditioned by the gender, average physical activity, previous weight, etc, of the person in question.

A very effective formula, proper for healthy adults, is multiplying our current weight by 20. For example, if we weight 90 kg, we would need to consume 1800 calories to loose weight. In any diet to loose weight, we don't recommend to go below 1200 calories, since this is the minimum amount to keep a proper metabolism and a proper food balance.

In the next lessons, we have an example for 1500, 1800 and 2000 calories.