Lesson 23 ª







4. 3 Dissociated diet alternative

This diet is widely used in different versions. It's defined by having a total disassociation from the food groups in each meal. The combination used on each meal is between vegetables and good-quality oils.

It's objective is to achieve a better control in each serving (helping) without mixing foods. If we choose pasta, they can be eaten with tomato sauce or with pesto, but not with cheese or sour cream.

It is used when a person needs a higher consumption of carbohydrates than the traditional plan. With this alternative, we can include them in each of the 4 courses of the day and still loose weight.

It is not a recommended diet due to the fact that it doesn't induce a modification of eating habits that can be kept throughout our lives.

Classifying food in groups

  • Proteins: meat, chicken,  fish, eggs, cold meats, dairy products
  • Starch; flour, pasta, bread, rice, cereals, potato and sweet potato (or yam)
  • Vegetables: every vegetable and garden produce, except for potato and sweet potato (or yam)
  • Fruit: sweets: bananas, dates, figs, persimmon, mangoes.
  • Acid: citrus, green apples
  • Semi-acid: all the others
  • Vegetable fats: oil
  • Animal fat: fat, sour cream, mayonnaise
  • Legumes: beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, French beans
  • Oily-Oleaginous: peanuts, dry fruit, olives
  • Sweets: sugar, sweet fruit, raisins, tarts, desserts.


Food we'd better avoid:

1. milk, yogurt and cheese, during the first week
2. legumes: during the first 2 weeks
3. oily-oleaginous: during the first 3 weeks
4. sugar and sweets in general, except for any sugar-free
5. sausages (sausages, shin)
6. meat (canned): pate, corned beef
7. cold meats: ham, pastrami, fillet, steak, during the first 3 weeks
8. hamburgers, unless they're light
9. escalope (including soy)
10. fried food in general
11. animal fat
12. alcohol during the first month.


Combination of food:

It's not a good idea: with other proteins
with starch
with another fruit
It's a good idea:
with acid fruit
with vegetables

It's not a good idea:
with another starch
with proteins
with fruit
It's a good idea:
with vegetables

It's not a good idea:
with sweet fruit
with starch
It's a good idea:
with proteins, only acid fruit
with vegetables

It's a good idea:
with any type of food
with any type of food

Menu for one day


Infusion: tea or coffee
2 loaves of toasted whole-grain bread
light jam


1 vegetable or fresh fruit or 1 hard-boiled egg
* After the first week:
1 light yogurt or coffee with milk or 30 gr. of lean cheese
* After the second week:
2 walnuts or instant soup
* After the third week: 2 slices of lean ham



Vegetable soup
1 portion of lean meat : red or white
abundant vegetables
Strawberries with Orange Juice or green apple (oven-baked)



Infusion without milk or Light juice
1 vegetarian sandwich with whole-grain bread, with grated carrot and palm heart, tomato, lettuce and oil


Vegetable soup
1 plate of simple whole-grain pasta with filetto sauce or broccoli or pesto
abundant vegetables


1 rice cookie with light jam
or 1 warm pita bread with tomato, basil and oil
Light juice or light jelly