Lesson 3ª








The verb "to have" (le verbe "avoir")

  • The French verb "avoir" is translated as "to have". It is conjugated in the present simple in following way:

  • I have J'ai (Je ai)
    You have Tu as
    He/she has IL / elle a
    We have Nous avons
    You have Vous avez
    They have Ils / elles ont

  • Here are a few examples of how it is used:

  • J'ai un frère I have a brother
    Elle a une voiture She has a car
    Nous avons une maison We have a car

  • In the Imperfect it is conjugated in the following way:

  • I had J' avais (Je avais)
    You had Tu avais
    He/she had IL / elle / avait
    We had Nous avions
    You had Vous aviez
    They had Ils / elles avaient

  • Look at the following examples:

  • J'avais une voiture I had a car
    Elle avait un chien She had a dog
    Vous aviez un chat You had a cat

  • The verb "avoir" is used in French to form the present perfect:

  • J'ai mangé I have eaten
    IL a dormi He has slept
    Nous avons parlé We have spoken
    Ils ont bu They have drunk



    Universe Univers (m) Island Île (f)
    Star Étoile (f) Mountain Montagne (f)
    Sun Soleil (m) Valley Vallée (f)
    Planet Planète (f) River Fleuve (m)
    Earth Terre (f) Lake Lac (m)
    Satellite Satellite (m) Jungle Jungle (f)
    Moon Lune (f) Forrest Forêt (f)
    Atmosphere Atmosphère (f) Desert Désert (m)
    Continent Continent (m) Sea Mer (f)
    Ocean Océan (m)