Lesson 4ª








The definite article (l'article)

  • In French, there are two types of article: the definite article and the indefinite article. The definite article has the following forms:

  • Le  Masculine singular The
    La  Femenine singular The
    Les  Plural The

  • The singular forms (Le, La) contract when they are accompanied by a noun that starts with a vowel or by "h" ( L' ). Here are a few examples:

  • L' étudiant  The student
    L' île The island

  • The plural forms of the definite article for masculine and feminine forms are the same:

  • Un  Masculine singular A
    Une  Femenine singular A
    Des  Plural Some

  • The article that goes with the noun has to agree in number and gender:

  • La voiture The car
    Une voiture A car
    Le chien The dog
    Un chien A dog

    la ville

    Country Pays (m) Aeroport Aéroport (m)
    Region Région (f) Station Gare (f)
    Province Province (f)


    Port (m)
    City Ville (f) Underground Métro (m)
    Town Village (m) Park Parc (m)
    Street Rue (f) Car Park Parking (m)
    Town square Place (f) Cinema Cinéma (m)
    Avenue Avenue (f) Theatre Théâtre (m)
    Monument Monument (m) Restaurant Restaurant (m)
    Fountain Fontaine (f)