Lesson 44ª






 The Gerund

  • The gerund is used in French to perform different things:

  • En écoutant la radio, j'ai mangé I have eaten listening to the radio.
    En sortant, il a perdu ses clés When leaving, he lost his keys.
    En mangeant, elle s'est étranglée When eating, she got something stuck in her throat.

  • This gerund is formed using the first person plural of the present simple and substituting the present simple ending for "ant". Here are some examples:

  • 1st Person Plural Gerund
    Venons Venant
    Étudions Étudiant
    Lisons Lisant

  • Although there are some exceptions, for example:

  • Infinitive 1st Person plural Gerund
    Savoir Savons Sachant
    Être Sommes Étant
    Avoir Avons Ayant

  • It's literal translation is working, having, running, etc. Although you can translate it according to its meaning in the sentence. Some of the different uses of the gerund in French are:

  • a) Expressing two activities happening at the same time

  • En étudiant, j'écoute de la musique  Whilst I study, I listen to music
    En parlant, je le regarde Whilst I speak , I look at him
    En travaillant, je pense à elle Whilst I work, I think about her

  • b) Expressing the cause of an action

  • En courant, je suis tombé  When I was running, I fell over
    En étudiant, je me suis fatigué(é) When I was studying, I tired myself out.
    En buvant, il a eu un accident When drinking, he had an accident

  • c) Expressing a condition

  • En étudiant, tu réussiras If you study, you will pass
    En courant, je serai la meilleure If I run , I will be the best
    En dormant, Tu te sentiras mieux If you sleep, you will feel better

  • d) Expressing a way of doing something

  • En faisant du sport, tu seras fort  By doing sport, you will become strong.
    En criant, il réveillera mon frère The way he is shouting, he will wake his brother up.
    En lisant, j'améliore ma culture By reading, I improve my culture


    la plage

    Parasol Parasol (M) Sunstroke Insolation (f)
    Sand Sable (m) Hat Casquette (f)
    Towel Serviette (f) To help Secourir
    Beach Plage (f) Swimming pool Piscine (f)
    Rubber ring Flotteur (m) Trampoline Tremplin  (m)
    To tan Bronzer Rake Râteau (m)
    Bucket Seau (m) To swim Baigner
    Spade Pelle (f) To swim Nager
    Ball Pelote (f) To snorkle Plonger
    Wave Vague (f) Shell Coquille (f)
    Swimming costume Maillot de bain(m) Kite Cerf-volant (m)
    Boat Barque (f)