Lesson 11ª







Opening a Gimp Document

On the Previous Lesson, we learned how to open an image to work on Gimp.

Now, we will learn how to open a document we made with the program previously. To do this, we need to follow the same procedure we explained before or, if the document was created recently, we can use the option of "Open Recent".

This option will show us all the documents we have used recently. We will choose "example" whose extension is .xcf, given that this is the native file of the program.

As we mentioned before, Gimp allows us to keep several document open for us to be able to work on them. To access each one these documents alternately, we must go to the Windows menu and choose the one we need to view.

You will also notice that a window will appear with the minimize, maximize and close buttons.

We can use these buttons on every window to alternate between one image and another.

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