Lesson 57 ª







Touch-up Tools: Dodge/Burn

Just as we did in the previous lesson, with the Dodge/Burn Tool, we have the option of selecting its possibilities alternatively by using the CTRL key.

Remember, whichever option is selected, we can always change to its other option by pressing the CTRL key.

This tool can be used for many things. Depending on our criteria, we will sometimes brighten or darken a photograph. The objective is to get the result we ultimately want.

Just as an example, in the case of this picture, we can bring out the image of the little girl by darkening the background.

To get an even better result, we can use a Select Tool to trace the edges to avoid any unwanted darkening and isolate the area.

After applying the selection, we go to the Select menu and choose Invert. This will make the outer portion active. Now, we can work freely without ruining the image.

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