Time as a mystery.
If we take the time as "mystery", this one turns into something foreign to our conscious interest. He
says the MBR that " this attitude with regard to the time is similar to
the one that we have commonly towards our body. For example, we are not
conscious of our stomach until this one decomposes and hurts us. To see
to the time as a mystery gives sometimes good result; but others, the
power of the time seemed to descend from some exterior place to we
causing devastations in our plans and intentions ".
Later we will see some behaviors that they accompany in general on the attitude of considering to the time as a mystery, and that have been recaptured of the MBR:
It was concentrating intensely in the task that is realized.
The scientist of a laboratory is a typical example of this class of the
only intention; and also it is quite executive when it is allowed
that an alone aspect of the work should obliterate all the other
To consider with distrust and maybe with envies the people who demonstrates to have other ideas with regard to the time.
When the time seems to be out of our control, it is difficult to treat
with another people whose relation with the time is more direct. The
artist or the theoretical man can be an example of this case. Also he
it is the successful man of company for whom the day of work of eight
hours turns out to be very rigid and limited.
about unforseen consequences.
When we consider time to
be a mystery, it is difficult to predict what is going to happen. When
time seems to come and go without any rational explantation, one can
not project one's needs, resources, or other people's future reactions.
This attitude still prevails in the most rational people when they face
up to sudden and intense changes, where the previously established
reference points rapidly vary.
to comprimise defined time.
If you are confronted with
something that you have not done previously, time can turn out to be a
mystery. You don't know how long each phase is going to last. For many
this attitude is common; they consider many of their tasks and
activities "new" and unpredictable, they believe that they can not
predict how long the task will take.
Many of us try to organize our
time so that it is does not convert into a problem, as by doing this we
can concentrate on immediate activities. However, it turns out we
either take into account or don't take "time" into accoung. It always
ends up effecting everything we do.
Time as a
In this case, the individual tries to
control time, to make the exact use of time. The MBR identifies the
following behaviour:
Living in the future
When every day
should be dominated by will, you need to previously plan your time; and
as you have planned every day, the present time only requires you to
carry out your plan, whilst your enery can focus on planning the next
day or following week.
Meetings provide excellent
example of this phenomenen in action. Instead of participating in a
current conversation, they think about what they are going to say
later, what they are going to do after the meeting, what plans need to
be drawn up to implment what is being said in the present.
guilty or embarassed for being spontaneous.
a person feels the need to exercise total control over their time, they
give in to the temptation of diverting their plans, they represent
defeat or at least indiscipline. Many executives, when they have to
spend longer than expected at a business lunch (although it is
essentially productive) feel frustrated and unsatisfied.
overwhelmed by responsibilities
Property, posession, control
and command, can become overwhelming burdens. When you feel the need to
exploit all possibilities to the maximum in every second, the result is
frequently tyring. Examples of this type, can be seen when people "take
work home" during holidays or also, when the bosses can not delegate to
colleagues as they fear losing control.
Besides, the MBR points out
that "Además, el MBR destaca que “las atracciones
de esta actitud hacia el tiempo están entre las
más ampliamente reconocidas por la sociedad occidental. Se
supone que esta actitud es el fundamento del trabajo y del logro.
Suministra una norma y media del valor individual y establece una
simple escala de valores personales; es loable usar el tiempo
eficientemente; es deplorable malgastarlo en formas