Lesson 33







Are you one of those people that forgets everything? Do you rely on someone reminding you of things that you have to do? Don't worry, Google Calendar offers you a reminder option. See figure 14. You can choose the type of reminder you want (email or a pop up on your screen). You can also choose the length of time that Google Calendar reminds you of the event in question.


Figure 15 shows you two additional options for the Reminder service which are: Show me as, when you connect to Google Calendar it will give you the option of showing yourself as being Available or Busy. The other option is about the accessability to the event. You can restrict people seeing your events by marking them as Private. You also have the option to mark it as Predetermined or Public.

With this option we can limit the access of other people to our event, because if we categorize it as Public, anybody can see it. However, if we mark it as Private, only those invited can have access to the information.