Lesson 6






The author J. T. McCay believes that the key to success is managing your own time and finding your desire to do things. We need to wake a passionate desire within us to develop our potential.

Walter Russell an American philospher, painter and sculptor claims: mediocrity is a self-imposition; the genius of self-awarding. If we want to be successful in our daily life, we should start NOW.

J. T. McCay also suggests that the level of our skills is not important as our potential capacity is always great. Most people don't have enough time to do everything. No matter what academic level, experience, position or age we have, it is never too late to start the adventure of dominating time.

They say it is never too late to start, therefore, as a reader, you must note your age, social status and academic results don't matter. Only one thing is important, your desire to better manage your time. Therefore, we invite you to take advantage of this course, so that you turn into a good time keeper.

Kerry Gleeson shows us an interesting example, when a person asks for her help to become better organized, the first thing she asks them to do is tidy up their desk. Our work area is very important within our professional life, therefore having a tidy desk and carrying out pending activities is a task that due to bad habits we ignore. However, this should be part of our daily work philosophy.

K. Gleeson also tells us the following anecdote: during the first session with a client, I ask them to completly tidy their desk. We then work with all of the papers that were on the desk, one by one, until we have examined every piece of paper. We then speak about resolving all of the areas straight away, explaining the DO IT NOW technique. The client is usually so impressed that they adopt the DO IT NOW technique as their new work philosophy.