Lesson 8








One of the most important aspects in all of the work fields is being able to work in a team.
If this is achieved, success is possible. However, often   people distroy their plans to distribute their time differently.

The MBR establishes that personal interruptions, meetings, the phone and obtaining information are, in this order, the biggest problems for executives.

We are now going to see each of these areas and we are going to find ways to combat them.

Controlling personal interruptions.

Every day, at any moment, people can be interrupted, and this means their performance is effected. To minimalize the negative effects of personal interruptions, the MBR proposes two alternatives: isolation and being available. We are now going to analyse both alternatives:


Have you ever felt the need to be alone? Is it sometimes difficult to continue writing a report whilst you are in the office? Often we are not advancing with a certain task that we need to finish, and it is in these circumstances that we need isolation. However, we are not isolating ourselves entirely from the world, but from being disturbed during certain hours of the day, with the aim of avoiding continuous interruptions.

Once I had to present a report to the Managing Director of the Company and in order to concentrate and avoid being distracted, I asked a colleague if I could borrow his office. This way I was able to concentrate and hand the report in on time. During this period of time, my assistant was in charge of attending to any clients that were looking for me. She was also in charge of resolving any complaints or queries.

Other recomendable places where you can isolate yourself; the company library, an empty office, a seminar or conference room, etc, Only your assistant should know where you are, and she can call you if there is a real emergency. Another recommendation is not to see anyone unless they have an appointment. If you use this policy you will be able to organize your day.

Profitable Availability
I imagine that at some time in your work history you have seen executives with their door permanently open, this is a good exacmple of profitable availability.

Being available for people helps executives to be in contact with what happens in the company. However to take advantage of your time, the MBR establishes the following rules: delegate, go and talk to other workers, from time to time make an effort to talk to everyone in the company and protect your workers from troublesome visitors. If you do this, this will help to reduce the number of interruptions at your work place.

Get the most out of meetings

When we talk about meetings, many employees immediately begin to feel bored. However, due to the fact that man is a social human being, he needs to be able to get on with other people, and meetings are a useful resource.

The success of daily activities in a company depend on successful meetings where all of the employees actively participate, bringing their own ideas, discussing problems and finding the right solution, etc.

Talking about the development of a meeting, Mr Schubert de Alba-Waldensian (MBR) recomends many meetings without a ceremony. I prefer to do 3 15 minute meetings.

Meetings of 15 minutes. This way people are able to concentrate. Always hold meetings in a meeting room and not in an office. This avoids interruptions and helps concentration.

The complex human interactions that are produced in meetings are varied. For more information on this subject we suggest you read the AulaFacil.com Course on Effective Meetings.

The telephone

Often the telephone is not used properly, or should I say many people take advantage of the phone. It is true that calls shorten distances, but answering and making telephone calls can turn into one of our greatest time consumers.

We are now going to give you a few suggestions from the MBR on what you should or shouldn't do with the telephone.
Things you should do:

  • You can use the phone to save a journey.

  • When you need an immediate response.

  • When you wish to give information quickly.

  • If you need to arrange a last minute meeting.

  • To receive information about the progress of important projects.

  • To maintain close contact with some people.

  • Use the phone if it calms you down!

Things you shouldn't do:

Try to substitute a formal document with a telephone call.

When you need to communicate the same information to various people, it is best to write a memo and send everyone a copy.

When you need to talk about delicate subjects, it is better to do it face to face, as when we are on the phone we are not aware of many situations, for example, our listener's body language.

If you need to discuss complex and long subjects, it is not a good idea to use the phone, unless a meeting is impossible.

K. Gleeson points out another important aspect related to answering telephone calls. Gleeson stresses that everybody makes the decision to not accept telephone calls for a reason, during the work day. Instead of this, establish a system to return calls (depending on the type of your job) perhaps during one or two periods a day.

For example, you can decide to receive calls between 11:00 and 12:00 and from 15:00-16:00, in this case you need to make sure your assitant aware so that she can filter the calls and she doesn't pass them through to you when you are not willing to accep them, unless of course they are calls from important clients, a chief executive or urgent calls that need to be attended as soon as they come up.